Explicit text - Vulgar language / Sexting (text speicifically)
Andrew Paulausky
We feel like for pre High school students there should be stronger protections available aimed at students using Gmail and Google Drive for chats. We are hoping for an alert category to cover vulgar language, sexually explicit language, and especially sexting. While images seem to be covered, language does not seem to be and we have to rely on flagged terms to catch anything that falls through the cracks.
Jennifer Duer
Merged in a post:
Alerts for Sexually Explicit Words
Kevin Tipton
We do not get alerts when a student types in any form of sexually explicit words. We do not want to use the Flagged Terms feature as that will only go to a specific group of people. The way we have our alerts set up currently is that if a High School student produces an alert, only the High School administrators know about it. I would like a new category for sexually explicit words and or a new feature that allows Flagged Terms to only be reported to the school's administrators where the alert was produced from.