YouTube Shorts
under review
Frank Panaro
Trying to block the "Shorts" URL for YouTube, but adding to the Blocked List is not working since it resolves this to a channel first. We want the ability to block this URL without the video rules overriding it. I know it won't block the actual channels but we just want to block this"TikTok" style URL it leads you to.
Matthew Burg
Merged in a post:
Tim Sheridan
So we value granular control over youtube content, which has now been circumnavigated by youtube/shorts. Until I blocked this manually all content was being allowed through. At a minimum this entire subsection of youtube should be categorized as "non-educational" content and blocked for those who have that turned off. Best case is a complete block with Smart Play or an additional switch for the choice to allow or not. This should be true of every iteration of similar instant youtube content.
Matthew Burg
under review